by Carrie Lynn
Horizon Reporter
The Service-Learning Club is a group of 80 Whatcom Community College students who share the passion of serving in their community. The club is open to all interested students, staff, faculty and friends.
On the first Tuesday evening of every month this club meets from 4 to 5 p.m. in Syre 217. In the month following their Tuesday meeting, they take part in volunteering for numerous local organizations around the community such as Habitat for Humanity, the Food Bank, and Sterling Meadows.
“The Human Race” is an event that the Service-Learning Club will be participating in on May 14. Open to everyone, the race is a 5k walk or 5k/10k run led by the Whatcom Volunteer Center. Each team or individual collects donations for their chosen nonprofit organization and 75 percent of the donations go to benefit that organization. The remaining 25 percent goes towards the Whatcom Volunteer Center to help more volunteers get connected with nonprofit organizations.
Whatcom’s Service-Learning Club has chosen to support Marianne’s House by raising funds through this fun, team-building event. Marianne’s House is a care facility for disabled adults in our community. “It’s a really cool organization and we’re excited to be raising money for them,” said Leah Congdon, Whatcom’s service-learning coordinator.
Following the walk/run there is a lunch and after-party which Congdon describes from past reports as a family-friendly atmosphere attracting a lot of people from the community. “I’ve never gone before but I guess people go crazy, dressing up and such…it should be really fun,” said Congdon.
If anyone would like more information regarding Whatcom’s Service Learning Club, the Human Race, or would like to join this club and/or team, please contact Leah Congdon at (360-383-3072).