by Austin Giles
Horizon Reporter
Every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in Syre 104, Whatcom Community College students can catch a documentary and follow up with a group discussion.
Each documentary incites deep feelings on serious issues and is intended to expand a student’s understanding on the differing perspectives held by other cultures and time periods.
“We wanted to offer something educational,” said Sarah Foss, the chair of the programming and diversity board.
The department lost their multi-cultural coordinator and the position remains unfilled since a resignation early in the quarter. Weekly documentaries were intended to compensate for that loss.
“The videos we selected had a cultural aspect,” said Foss. The board made their choices from the available selection in the multi-cultural library.
In October, “Reel Arabs,” a documentary on Arab history and culture, was shown, as well as, “What’s Race Got To Do With It,” dealing with strengthening a diverse campus.
Certain topics are hard to discuss for some students after the documentary, said Foss. Race is a subject that can be sensitive for many people.
Diet and addiction have also been covered. Three documentaries remain in this quarter’s line up, dealing with health, history and the environment.