These past two weeks, students gathered in Heiner 103 to try to answer the philosophical question of free will’s existence – the prompt being “does free will truly exist, or are our actions caused by our brain’s internal programming?” Meeting on Fridays in Heiner 103 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.,…
Author: Chance Loewi
Lending a Helping Hand: Drug & Alcohol Awareness Event
For those struggling with substance abuse, sometimes the best resource is a friendly face extending a helping hand, offering support. For students at WCC, a helping hand was one of the many offerings on Thursday, Jan. 30 at the special tabling event arranged by the WCC Counseling Department. In honor…
The ASU Hits a High Note Celebrating Lunar New Year
Attendees of the Lunar New Year karaoke celebration on Tuesday, Jan. 28 were greeted with friendly faces, light refreshments, and Chinese New Year scratch-off cards that offered students and staff good fortunes. The Asian Student Union (ASU) held this special karaoke event in the Simpson Intercultural Center (SIC) to celebrate…