Campus event brings community together to honor dead and celebrate life

On Nov. 1, the Whatcom Community College Office of Student Life and Development and the Simpson Intercultural Center hosted a Dia De Los Muertos event in Syre Student Center Auditorium. “It’s a celebration of life and remembering those who have gone into another life. It’s a celebration of those that…

Student Club Fair offers “Little bit of everything”

After an extended interruption of on-campus life, the Associated Students of Whatcom Community College student government believes many students are eager to get back to normal. “I truly believe that students would like to engage with the campus community, and the only way we can achieve that is by simply…

Putting the Student in “Student-Athlete”

The new Director for Athletics and Recreation at Whatcom Community College, Rob Pedicone, has high hopes and expectations for the athletic programs – including in the classroom. “I want to see one of our teams lift an NWAC trophy…the other thing is to improve our academic standards,” Pedicone said. Pedicone…

Students Expand Social Circles at Kick-off BBQ

The Office of Student Life and Development at Whatcom Community College hosted a Fall Welcome Back BBQ in the courtyard outside the Syre Student Center Sept. 22. “Last week’s event was an opportunity for me to expand my circle,” said Whatcom student Hei Suen Clare Wong. “I met many students…

Helping Students Get Oriented Back on Campus

After nearly two years of the campus being closed, the Office of Student Life and Development at Whatcom Community College is working diligently to increase engagement and get students involved again in campus life. “People don’t talk about it enough but being a student is hard,” Associated Students of Whatcom…

Pizza Oven Project Cooking Over Summer

Doreen Richmond, who works in transitional learning at Whatcom Community College, saw students struggling to connect. “I noticed this year more than any other time in my past 22 years teaching that there were just so many students that were very anxious coming back to campus,” Richmond said.  So she…