Students decrease boredom and increase hugability.
Showing Some Love
Majors Fair and Blood Drive Come to Whatcom
On Wednesday October 27, Western’s Majors Fair came to Whatcom. The Blood Drive was help on the same day.
Students Talk to State Representatives
Whatcom students travel to Skagit to talk higher education.
One Love, One Pod
A profile of Whatcom’s volleyball team.
Books by Day, Songs by Night
The library and other Whatcom staff members are a part of a group called Librettos.
QSA Breaks Barriers
A profile of the Queer Straight Alliance Club at Whatcom.
Stretching the Curriculum
Profile of the Modern Dance club
The Universal Language
How soccer is a univeral language.
Halloween From Bangkok to Bellingham
Halloween around the world.
From Mountains to Islands: Geology Rocks!
A look at the Geology 211 class.