Jim Lynch, this year’s WhatcomReads! author, is speaking at Whatcom on February 24. Here is the Horizon’s interview with the author.
Behind the Book: A talk with “Border Songs” author Jim Lynch
Making the Cut
Whatcom’s basketball teams and a look their season.
Sexy Salsa in Syre
The Spanish club taught salsa to Whatcom students.
V-Day Lovin’
A look at the Valentines Day addition of The Dating Game.
Upcoming Events–February 15-19
This week at Whatcom.
Barry Scott Brings MLK’s Words to Life
Barry Scott gives a speech on Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact on his life.
All For One and One For Art
Art show hosted by Whatcom’s art club.
The Party Bus: saving students from themselves
Emily’s opinion on underage drinking and the Party Bus.
Protests Hit Home For Whatcom’s Egyptian Students
A look at the Egyptian conflict and how it affects students attending Whatcom.
Finding What’s Lost: rummaging through Whatcom’s lost and found
Did you lose these?