You might not notice a Work Study student around campus, but they are everywhere.
The Many Faces of Work Study
Valentine’s Day Celebrations at WCC
Several Whatcom clubs host events to celebrate Valentine’s Day
Journals showcase student work
A look at Whatcom’s student journals, “A Gathering of Voices” and “Noisy Water Review.”
Beyond Valentine’s Day
Making relationships work
Japanime Club has movies, fun
A look at Whatcom’s Japanime Club.
Lending a helping paw
Service dog helps Whatcom student
Unearthing a gem at Whatcom
A profile on anthropology/archaeology professor Al Reid.
A match made in…prison?
Valentine’s Day humor column
I Don’t Deserve the Crap I Get
A WCC winner of the WhatcomReads! writing contest, “Deception.”
Everyone Loves a Happy Ending
A WCC winner of the WhatcomReads! writing contest, “Deception.”